Hikaru Shida vs Toni Storm vs Saraya vs Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D.
➥ Fourway for the Women's World Championship

Hikaru Shida: Holy Shida
Hikaru Shida was the longest-running AEW Women's World Champion for 372 days from 23/05/2020 - 30/05/2021, during the pandemic when crowds could not attend shows. She lost the belt to Britt right when AEW started touring and doing shows with crowds again. She won the belt again on 02/08/2023 (25 days before All In) during the 200th episode of Dynamite and now she finally gets to defend her belt in front of a crowd!
She wrestles in a hard-hitting joshi (Japanese women's wrestling) style. Her English language skills aren't great but it's always a delight when she gives promos because she's so passionate about what she does.
She's got a great look, with wonderfully complex outfits and bright hair like many joshis. She likes to bring a kendo stick to the ring but it's important to know that if she hits someone with it, they absolutely 100% deserve it. She likes to do this thing where she grabs a chair but then instead of hitting her opponent, she sets it down on the floor and jumps off it to propel herself.
Further reading:

(The Illustrious) Toni Storm
On 02/08/2023, Toni Storm did what she does best: she lost the AEW Women's World Title belt.
The first time she lost her belt was in November 2022. Thunder Rosa had unexpectedly left on injury, and after a tournament, shining strong babyface Toni Storm held the belt for 76 days as interim champion. In her first reign, she was a fighting champion, fighting in 13 different matches across the 10 weeks she held that belt.
When she lost her belt in November, it was to Jamie Hayter. The history between these two women is that they were once roommates (oh my God, they were roommates!) when they lived together in England. When Toni made her way to AEW (after being mistreated in WWE), she hoped to be friends with Jamie again. But Jamie was already besties with Britt Baker, so both of the mean girls refused to have anything to do with the new girl. Jamie had to cheat to win to beat Toni for the belt, but the crowd was still cheering for Jamie. This lead to hear first breakdown (image 1).
In May 2023, Jamie Hayter got injured and needed to be written off the show. Toni beat her for it at Double Or Nothing.
Between November and May, Toni had a major glow-up. While Jamie and Britt turned babyface, Toni finally found friends in Saraya and Ruby Soho and they became a group of mean girl heels together, called The Outcasts. Their gimmick is spray paint a big green L (for Loser, so clever!) on their opponents' bodies after a group beatdown, and they're all besties and call each other babygirl. Their main targets are AEW "Originals", i.e., women who have never set foot in WWE, but for some reason they steer clear of AEW Originals who are heels (like Nyla or Jade) because AEW management doesn't know how to do women's storylines. The internet hates The Outcasts but that's because of sexism and maybe biphobia.
In August, Toni loses the belt to one of the most original of AEW Originals, and she's been having another breakdown ever since (image 3).
Toni's wrestling is very solid. She does a move called the Hip Attack that's more fun to describe as the Butt Stomp. It just means she slams her butt into her opponent's face with a lot of force.
Further reading:
- The Illustrious Toni Storm: "Have I lost it?"
- The Illustrious Toni Storm: "I will be elevated to the spotlight I've always deserved"
- Toni Storm Discusses Her Future in an Exclusive Interview w/ Renee Paquette | AEW Rampage, 11/25/22

Saraya: evil
Saraya is British. This makes her the de facto HOMETOWN HERO in London! Give it up for Saraya!!!
Saraya and Toni are best friends FOREVER. Nothing will ever ever ever come between them, not even Lexy Nair asking Toni if she's confident about Saraya having her back. The Outcasts are a SISTERHOOD. Chekhov, put that gun away, please!
Maybe Saraya will win purely because she is famous in the UK. She's been out of the wrestling ring because of an injury for several years, though, and she doesn't really shine in singles matches. But we love a hometown hero win! Except she's also evil, so should she win? Hmm...
People online hate The Outcasts mainly because of Saraya. She has a shitty boyfriend (Ronnie Radke) that will hopefully not be at All In.

Dr. Britt Baker, D 👇 M 👇 D 👇
Britt is the third former AEW Women's World Champion in this fourway. She held the belt for 290 days in 2021-2022 and has kind of never left the title picture ever since. She's the pillar of AEW, the first woman signed to the company and therefore even more AEW Original than Shida.
Her wrestling gimmick of being a dentist is real! She runs a real-life dentist practice aside her wrestling responsibilities. At the first All In (2018), she had just recently graduated and thus debuted her DMD gimmick for the first time there. (Insert a joke about British people having bad teeth or something.)
Britt is more fun as a heel. But until Jamie Hayter comes back and they have a dramatic falling out, she will probably remain a good boy. Britt's got a very strong character and her wrestling is okay I guess. Her finisher is called the Lockjaw. She gets her little dentist's glove out, puts it on, and then shoves her fingers in her opponent's mouth to open their jaw in a way only dentists know how to make painful.
Lastly something about Jamie Hayter because it doesn't fit anywhere else: Jamie has been one of the most beloved AEW Women's World Champions, but she will likely be out on injury until February 2024. Jamie's also British, and therefore an even hometownier hero than Saraya. Will Jamie make an appearance to support her beautiful girlfriend Britt from ringside?